Arturo Fuente proudly presents the Magnum R line of cigars. The Magnum R line features an exclusive Rosado sungrown wrapper, culled from the lower primings of fine Ecuadorian tobacco plants and aged for nearly a decade. It is these rare and delicate wrapper leaves that create this complex, balanced smoke. The Magnum R cigar appeals to cigar lovers who enjoy a creamier and smoother cigar experience without sacrificing flavor. With a distinctive sweet Finish and elegant, complex undertones, this cigar is destined to become another Fuente classic.
Arturo Fuente Don Carlos is a 94-rated masterpiece, handcrafted in the Dominican Republic from a select recipe of the finest aged tobaccos. Fuente family patriarch Carlos Fuente Sr. blended Don Carlos to an intricate standard of premium, vintage Dominican binder and filler tobaccos beneath a glistening Cameroon wrapper leaf. The complex, medium-bodied profile delivers lavish notes of earth and cedar with nuances of oak, espresso beans, and chestnuts. A subtly sweet finish emerges alongside an intoxicating room note. Experience the maximum in sophistication and refinement from a celebrated Dominican-made gem today.
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